Witch Brownies I Am Looking For A Book I Read When I Was A Child, About 2 Children, An Old Lady (witch?) And Magic Fudge?

I am looking for a book I read when I was a child, about 2 children, an old lady (witch?) and magic fudge? - witch brownies

I read this book when I was in the 2nd or 3 Year basis in 1976 or 1977th The old woman gave the fudge something special (or maybe brownies?) A child (a child, I think) and when he ate a mouthful, could include a mouse. If you eat more, I could also talk to the mouse ...

If they sound familiar anyone? Can you tell me the name of the book? The author?

Thank you - it would be fun to find a copy of this book for my daughter!


The Skin Horse (formerly ll2) said...

"There is no such thing as a witch" by Ruth Chew, Scholastic Book Services, 1971. Exhausted, but easy to get: http://www.amazon.com/No-Such-Thing-As-W ...

From the back: "Beware Maggie Brown - the new neighbor next door! And beware of Fudge Haus Maggie! Maggie is no ordinary man. Your Fudge Fudge is not clear. Some fudge makes you love animals. If you have two sweets you eat understand the language of animals. Three Pieces makes you act like an animal. And if you eat four pieces ... HELP!

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